
Training with a coach

As a beginner in combine driving it is extremly important to rely on professionals/coaches so since I started driving combine driving we have packed our ponies and carriages and went to training with three different coaches. You really have to be enthusiastic as that is not then at the nearby riding club but at least 150 km away from us as there is not so many drivers interested in training with a coach nearby and we have to find enthusiast further away :) So yesterday we drove to Vaasa, 150 km, to train with Ben Simonsen (for example silver in World Championships with single).

The ponies have practically not been driven the whole autumn because I was so busy with the job I had. I started training them before Christmas and we have just been jogging and working them with long more slow pace work-outs so the training was the first dressage drive for them in a long time. That I think was just an advantage as I think they don't forget what they have learn earlier but on the contrary are keen to work again. So I was very pleased the way they worked though of course they were a bit rusty.

One thing that is very annoying for me is when the ponies run againts the bit with the mouth open, in the beginning when I started driving Ivanhoe the dressage way in stead of the way he had learnt when he was a trotting race pony, he did that all the time. Easily you think that you are too hard on your hand (which also might be the case) or that you have to change the bit (which also might be the case), but Ben convinced me to be calm and wait, the pony have to first learn where you want it to be and what the right position is and then - as if by magic - they shot their mouth and work in the right shape when they understand what you expect of them. So I try not to worry about the mouth too much and wait, and it is just as he says. Then when the magic happens ;) it is your turn to ease your hand and touch. Not very easy in fact, I tend to be too slow and hang on the reins though one should have already eased the touch to the reins as the pony already works in a right way. Well, the point is anyway, I still drive only with straight bit and a slightly curved liverpool and that is all I have needed these two years and might be the only bits I ever need with Shetland forward, as they shut their mouth and relax when they start working the right way, trust it, they do; so = wait until your ponies learn to work in right shape first with a nice normal straight bit which they can rely on, then start make it complicate with ten different bits if you still think it is necessary ;) You can't expect the pony to work in a right position if you haven't taught the pony what it is you want. Of course ponies vary in the shape of their mouth, their temperament and spirit and might need for example a different bit, but still, think first where the problem might be, I usually find it in the other end of the reins... Be first sure of that both you and the pony understands what it is you are doing and what you are asking of the pony, I think it is very very very simple in the end, not easy though!

Ivanhoe had not been drivien with liverpool for a while and as we have only done some jogging work-outs he was hanging on the bit a lot in the beginning with open mouth

But he has not forgot what he has learnt earlier so after a while he was in the right shape

For Paulette (two photos above) the liverpool is too hard as she is a very sensitive mare so she is driven with a straight bit. She is very forward so the driving becomes easily a pulling contest but Ben drove her a few minutes and quickly she figured it out what is expected. She has been on a training like this only once before and driven only sporadic and more in pair, so I really have to work with her more to get her in the right shape.

Working in circles with Paulette

She has a nice trot too!
Training halt too above with Ivanhoe
And then again trot (Ivanhoe), it is very important to drive with a coach who look at it all from the ground and tells you what to do to learn it right straight away

As my ponies has only worked a few weeks now I'm very precise of how much I demand of them to keep it fun for all parts and then I have to notice also that they stand in the trailer a few hours also. So we stopped when both the ponies had had a good work out but in good time before they would have been tired. Then they are walked a while with two fleece rugs, the rugs changed once and after a while still one new fleece rug and normal outdoor rugs for transport to protect them from draft in the trailer. I cover their feet with boots and fleece or wollen wraps which is important as they have studs on their shoes and I don't want them to get hurt on their feet if they would loose balance in the transport. Home they got their Back On Track backwarmers on with a fleecerug for the evening to warm the muscles.

A happy driver and too lovely ponies on their way back in the trailer and home :D


Shetland size equipment wanted

It is quite difficult and expensive to try to find suitable equipment for Shetland ponies. It seems manufactures has not yet realized there is a market for Shetland size sheets, wraps etc. Still there is an increasing number of especially adults who drive and train their ponies goal-directed. If you are lucky enough to find for example a suitable sheet, it is probably pink. Well a bit exaggrated by generalising. But you don't always find what you are looking for. One major problem is that often the product is just a smaller version of horse size without no adaptions for Shetland propotions, this leads to for example bits with horse sized rings or sheets that are suitable in lenght but hangs to knees. As I am quite pedantic of colors (visual as I am...) I sew two green cooler sheets and two tartan driving sheets for special occations as you don't find such in shops. I've always used green as team color but with Shetlands I also use both brown (because of our gig) as deep red as it looks great on black ponies. As Paulette and Ivanhoe are in training for next summers combine driving competitions one have to take extra care of them when driving and afterwards to keep their muscles relaxed when we can have temperatures as low as -15C when driving. Of course they have a good coat as I haven't clipped them, but therefore it is even more important to have good fleece rugs to help them dry. I put a fleece sheet on neck and a fleece rug on them after driving - and change into a dry new rug after 30-60 min, if necessary I change the rug once more and might ad a Back On Track back-warmer (horse size but covers a Shetland nicely). You can read of Back On Track products here, they are much used in Finland by trotters.

I'm definitely not a good sewer but these will do :) Swinghill's Paulette presents the cooler sheet and driving sheets I sew :)

Cooler is handy when you walk a horse after driving

Driving sheet likewise but these ones I might use on a colder day in spring or autumn before and after performance


About harness

I have been planning to buy a synthetic harness for single for a while. Mostly because I want to have it a bit easier to wash the harness though I prefer leather. We have Ideal single and pair leather harnesses so I have enough of washing already! :D

So after reading a lot of postive feedback of Zilco harness in the facebook group Shetland Pony Driving I gave it a go after I found one second hand. The harness is as new though it has been used for a year. Swinghill's Paulette was the one to test it first because on her carrige there is no loop in the end of the shaft, as the harness don't have quick relase it is not so practical to use with a carriage with loop. Driving yesterday was interesting in +0,5 degrees Celsius and heavy snowfall so the whip, pony and harness became soaken wet! Couldn't have been happier to drive synthetic instead of leather... I think the harness fitted quite well on Paulette, I'll try it on Ivanhoe today. Especially the ergonomic breastplate was very pleasing as it suited very well which I was most worried about.

Paulette must be thinking, you can't be serious to think we are going driving in this weather?!

But afterwards there was both a jolly pony and driver! And that is one of the most importat things! 

It will be interesting to see in how cold circumstanses one can drive with it, I'm a bit doubtful as we drive until it is -15 - -18C... 


Photos from competition

Got these lovely photos from Hanna Käräjäoja who had photographed last spring at Shettis Cup performance class competitions in Kalajoki. We participated in long reins and driving class and in the Match Show held at the same time, Ivanhoe was Best In Show and Paulette Best In Show II! Ivanhoe was also chosen Performance Champion!

Swinghill's Paulette right and Ivanhoe av Friheten left (from the carriage viewed)

Ivanhoe long reins
Best In Show and Best In Show II heading home