
Blogin uusi elämä

Ainakin otsikko lupaa paljon mutta katsotaan miten käy! Piiiiitkä hiljaiselon jälkeen - tai pikemminkin kiireiselon jälkeen - olisi tarkoitus käyttää vähän aikaa blogin kirjoittamiseen jatkossa keskittyen poniemme valjakkoajoharjoituksiin ja puuhailuihin.

And the second point is starting to write this in English if some Shetland Pony drivers around the world would be interested in reading what we are doing up here in the cold North. Helps me to learn driving associated vocabulary also ;)

So, here is a short video of two of our ponies Ivanhoe av Friheten as leader and Swinghill's Paulette as second, first time ever driven long reins tandem! It was quite challenging = fun! Must practise a bit more before trying this with a carrige attached, security first and nicely working ponies before going on to the next step!

These two ponies have now been driven in pair (the normal way) twice, both though with another pony before this, and I'm now hoping of maybe even participate in driving trials next summer, lets see how it goes!